Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Good Bye Sudan

Well here I sit, in a hotel in Entebbee Uganda, waiting for my international flight home, which departs on Tuesday morning (0330).
All the checking out is completed, all the goodbyes accomplished, and all the excess cargo has been shipped.
I can say the the past year has been very rewarding and challenging. The rewarding was as a direct result of the excellent work that was accomplished with the SSPS. I met so many wonderful people both from the UN and from other agencies.
The challenging aspects have been working within the logistically challenged UN system, I believe that if any officer can work within this system, and be successful, then he or she could work anywhere. I will miss my friends in Yei, and in Aweil, but I look forward to getting home and reacquainting myself with my family, and continuing with my career in the Calgary Police Service.