Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Media Event

Well I knew the day would come, when the introvert (me) had to face the local Calgary media to promote CPS involvement in the international peace operations branch, and more specifically the mission to the Sudan. It is very important to be transparent with the public regarding the use of its' police officers.  When the chief was addressing the media, I was thinking "man this guy is a pro"he covered all the sensitive topics like who pays the salaries etc etc, great job chief.  I have never stood in front of that many cameras in my life, and it was very intimidating, but it is for the greater good. At the end of it all, everybody was very happy, and well informed. Checking the local papers the next day, there was several excellent articles and pictures. My brother in law thought that was a blast to see "quick draw " in the papers, he told me that I had hit the big time, even if it is for only 15 minutes. For those of you that are planning to apply for future missions, just keep the media day in mind, and remenber how important it is to educate all involved.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 14 2010

Well here I am, I never thought that I would be here. All the selection done, medicals, needles, etc, etc etc, but well worth it. Two and a half weeks till I leave for Ottawa for training, then onto the Sudan. Why is it the Sudan? not just Sudan. Well anyways I just wanted to share my experience with you all. I know that the blogs that I read (sounds like pain mannerman) were very helpful to me as far as making a decision to once again go over seas.  I will add to this blog as much as I can, including pictures, and stories of the great work that is been done by thousands of peacekeepers throughout the largest country in Africa. I was advised by many to keep a journal, for myself and those I love, so over the next 10 or so months join me for this epic journey. And finally, I would like to thank all those sworn and civilian members from Calgary who worked so hard to make this possible (pike borden). I was selected from a group of dedicated officers to represent the CPS on this maiden mission, thank you for the opportunity.