Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Predeployment Training December 2010

Well here I am on the aircraft to Ottawa for 5 days of predeployment training.  The weather is cold,wind, and snow, as I prepare to meet my contingent.  We are in the class room for Monday morning, and IPOB has collected quite the variety of police officers from all over this great land. There are officers from the OPP, RCMP, St. Johns, Calgary City, Fredericton and, Edmonton; with skills from tactical to training to major crimes. The majority of the officers have been deployed to such places as Jordan, Namibia, Ivory Coast, Kosov, Serria Leone,Cyprus, etc, etc, a ton of experience.  At the end of the week, I have 10 new friends, and realized that this mission will be unique for all of us. I am more excited now than I was 3 months ago.  The waiting has given me a new appreciation for the importance of the experience of a life time.
I am home for the holidays, but will depart for Ottawa on January 1 2011. There I will hook up with my brothers and sisters, and we will all depart for Ottawa then onto Montreal, then KLM flight to Amsterdam, then onto Khartoum Sudan. The plan is 7 days of training/acclimatization, followed by our deployment to one of the 26 team sites located in the south.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 4 2010

Well it's been quite a ride, here I am on December 4 and I just notified that the visas we've been waiting for 3 months have been issued.  What does that mean for me......well International peace operations branch in Ottawa, has informed me that I will be traveling to Ottawa from December 12 to the 18th. While i'm there I will be completing the required pre deployment training. On the 18th I'll fly home for Christmas and then depart for Sudan on January 3 2011.  Whew......It feels good to say that; however there hs been one small change...the mission will increase in duration from 9 months to 1 year, I guess all the other (pcc) police contributing countries, deployed their members for 1 year, and this will be standardized for all international peace operation missions. So the bags will have to re packed; I think I need a Hep A shot, pick up few items and let the journey begin.
It was funny, on Tuesday the mission was cancelled. and on Thursday it was game on, funny how things worked out, I believe this was meant to be. Well to all those at work, who were asking me on a daily basis "aren't you gone yet" thanks for caring. I wish you all gentle winds and soft landings.