Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 4 2010

Well it's been quite a ride, here I am on December 4 and I just notified that the visas we've been waiting for 3 months have been issued.  What does that mean for me......well International peace operations branch in Ottawa, has informed me that I will be traveling to Ottawa from December 12 to the 18th. While i'm there I will be completing the required pre deployment training. On the 18th I'll fly home for Christmas and then depart for Sudan on January 3 2011.  Whew......It feels good to say that; however there hs been one small change...the mission will increase in duration from 9 months to 1 year, I guess all the other (pcc) police contributing countries, deployed their members for 1 year, and this will be standardized for all international peace operation missions. So the bags will have to re packed; I think I need a Hep A shot, pick up few items and let the journey begin.
It was funny, on Tuesday the mission was cancelled. and on Thursday it was game on, funny how things worked out, I believe this was meant to be. Well to all those at work, who were asking me on a daily basis "aren't you gone yet" thanks for caring. I wish you all gentle winds and soft landings.

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