Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Before I was deployed to the Sudan, one of the things I was looking forward to was the after hours socializing, you know people from different countries telling their stories.  When I got to the team site here in Yei, I was shocked to find out that 20 of the 24 unpols live outside the camp, so there was no socializing what so ever. Well, let me tell you, we started a wellness/welfare committee, and went to work finishing the BLUE. The committee is made up from representatives from unpol (police)unmo(military) and National Staff (locals) money was raised, the building was painted, shelves were built, and on Saturday April 2 2011, we have invited all the ngo's (non-government organizations) to a social event. We have plans to move the TV and sat dish, so when Chelsea is playing, I can get yelled at by the 1 million Manchester fans that make up the majority of Yei.  Cody, you would be in your glory here, if you wore that black man u shirt you have, you would be a legend. As you can see we didn't paint the upper beams, we are planning on pinning all the flags of all the nations that are represented here in Yei, last count there was around 20. When all the flags are up, I'll make sure I post a picture. Next Monday I fly out to Khartoum for our Canadian Contingent meeting, it's been 3 months since I saw my brothers and sisters, I'm really looking forward to it. On the April 13, I will be departing Yei for Cape Town to meet up with my family for my first CTO, can't wait I NEED A BREAK....


  1. Fantastic, Jim!! I love reading your blog; so many incredible adventures!! So glad you'll see your family soon too.

  2. What a great idea! Having a place to get to know your "neighbor" is fantastic. And speaking of football/soccer I'm surprised we haven't seen a picture of you playing with the locals. :-) Have a wonderful time with the family, I'm sure they are just as excited to see you.
