Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Yei South Sudan

Well, there are several things that I thought I would never do, and one of them was ride in a Russian MI-8 transport helicopter. I have lots of pictures, but right now I am unable to hook up my lap top to the internet, I should have that done in a couple of days. I am now living in Yei, a town of 140,000, spread over a very large area. This part of Sudan was largely unaffected by the war. Yesterday I had the opportunity to travel to the local market, what an experience, I walked past a booth that was selling meat, no refrigeration nothing, the smell made me gag. The market covers a couple of km, and one can purchase just about everything. I picked up some nuts, and bananas, and a case of beer. Most of the items come out of Uganda. The weather here is very nice, the daily temps get to around 30 or so, with a little more humidity.  Anyways once I have the internet up and running, I will download some of the new pictures, till then

1 comment:

  1. just googled a picture of the helicopter... wow does it ever look like a pregnant dragon fly! Were you seriously tempted to carve your initials into the side wall when no one was looking? sorta scratch a JS somewhere inconspicously? Thought would have not crossed mind, definately not!
    I sure hope you truly can't purchase "everything" there... like for example... does the world really need to see nude pictures of Roseanne Barr? i think not...
    miss you buddy! damn proud to call you friend!
