Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sailing is in the blood, just not mine

Well today is a very special day for my brother David and the rest of the crew of the Tripp Tease. At 10:30am, pacific time, the Tripp Tease will begin the Van Isle 360 sailing race. The race begins in Nanaimo, and travels 580 nm around Vancouver Island. There will be overnight stops in French Creek, Comox, Campbell River, Deepwater Bay, Hadwicke Island, Telegraph Cove, Port Hardy, Winter Habour, Ucluelet, Victoria, and on June 19 the race will finish in Nanaimo. The boat is a 1992 Tripp 40, and is skippered by Don Gillingham. You can follow the race if you go to the Van Isle 360 web site, where satellite tracking will allow us to follow the Tripp Tease, as she navigates Vancouver Island. Good luck bro, were all pulling for you.

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