Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The return of the lost box

Another beautiful day here in Aweil, I woke up at around 6:45, had some breakfast, went to work at around 7:30, checked my e mails, then began my day. When I was redeployed I had to ship some of my personal affects. The items were loaded onto the UN aircraft in Juba, which travel  to Rumbeck, and finally to the Northern hub of Wau. Somewhere in between Juba and Rumbeck, they managed to loose one of my boxes. It was not a huge deal, just had some of my rice, spagitti sauce, cleaning materials, and other stuff, that was on the 12th of this month. Well today, I was informed that the missing box has been located, they found it in Rumbeck ??? so I should be getting it on Tuesdays flight. It is the little things that make the biggest differences in the daily routine of a UN police officer. As the rainy season comes to an end, the daily temperatures are starting to rise, today's high will get to around 34, while next week is looking like the 40s. This job is very similar to the one I had before, the only difference is that I am responsibly for all UN police activities in the state of Northern Bahr El Ghazal. I have 26 UNPOL officers from country's such as India, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Gambia, Zambia, Sri Lanka, El Salvador, and the Ukraine. Much like the officers in Yei, I am lucky to have a great core team in the state HQ, we have excellent communication, and lots of great work is being done. They still say that the Canadians have the heaviest accent of the bunch, I wasn't aware that I even had one, hum. My daily routine is routine, all but one of the UNPOLs live off the camp. They do that to save money, but on the flip side, since they do not have any air conditioning, they have the highest case load of malaria. At night I will either run or walk 6kms then off to the container for some supper and a movie on the laptop. Some of the movies I really recommend are: Hot Tub Time machine, Band of Brothers, Commando, well you get my drift, I could not imagine doing a mission without a laptop and movies.

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