Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Well first I have to apologize for my tardiness, the last few weeks have been interesting.  When I got back from my trip home, I applied for a open position in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, as a deputy state adviser, I know it sounds impressive, and it is, but it means in the office dealing with all the state related police issues. Well I got the job and the pay raise that goes with it........wait.........there is no pay raise, it's still 136 per day, everyday.
So I packed my stuff, and prepared to move from Yei to Aweil, with stops in Juba and Wau. Well here I am in Aweil, which used to be a team site, now it is the state HQ for CSB Aweil and CSB Gok Machar. The team site is nice, there are a couple of hundred Mango trees, that were planted by the British in the early 60s, and have they grown, and they are a godsend from the repressive heat that is the most consistent factor here. The dogs, all they do is fight, and bark and yelp, enough to drive a person crazy, but nobody wants to remove them, I'm told that they keep the snakes away; that is good enough for me.  i am down to 80 days or so from the 365, and the talk amonst the contingent members is centered around the last cto, and of course checkout. The UN has put a restriction on CTO over christmas so many of the people will no doubt spend it at their respective team sites. I on the other hand am planning my last trip, which will take place from the 5th of December to the 21st. I am going back to CapeTown, it should be quite interesting, as it will be summmer in December. There are some other things that I am working on, I am trying to get the most out of my last couple of months here in the mission. I have taken some pictures of the teamsite, and will post them when the internet will allow me to do so. Until next time

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see that you haven't forgotten your blog, and nice that you got the job - even if it involved moving away from Yei. For what is is worth I heard rumours from several people in Yei that the TS will be gone soon.

    Stay safe, and enjoy your last CTO!
