Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7 2011 Induction Training

Well we finished our clearing in yesterday, signed our lives away, and changed our money into Sudanese pounds. The question is what is next, well let me tell you all INDUCTION TRAINING 7 days of lectures on everything from the mission statement to sexual harassment, to what you do if you are taken hostage. I found the line up of instructors was more interesting than the actual topics.  We had 2 ladies from my old stomping grounds in Namibia, the sexual harassment lecture was done by a Russian, we had a lecture on UNPOL (united nations police) from a Ethiopian police officer. I've met officers from Kenya, India, Sweden, Australia, Bangladesh, Turkey etc, etc. For those of you who have been on other missions, this one seems different right from the get go, first it's a African Union lead mission, with support from the international community. I was told today, that only Canada, and Australia are the only english speaking contributing countries, at least in the police side of things, so as you can imagine the diversity of people I will meet and work with is truly exciting.  Next week we do our drivers test, and if you survive, then you will be issued a UN drivers licence, and then we would have a little more  freedom. The weather today was Africa Hot, I think about 35 or so, till next time.......


  1. Hey Jim, good to see that you finally hit the road.
    Will be following your blog to stay updated, so keep writing my friend.
    Pat and I wish you the best.


  2. Reading your blog about Induction Training brings back memories from two months ago (I can't believe it has been that long).
    It's great to finally have you here in Sudan. Although we are working in two different missions we may just cross paths somewhere down the road (probably at Canada House in Khartoum). All the best with training and we will be in touch.
    Your UNAMID neighbour...Clare

  3. Great blog, Jim. Keep us posted, and stay safe :)

  4. Okay I figured since you would quite likely have some spare time... so to help keep you from getting bored how about you find the following things to take your picture with...
    first an easy one...how about you standing beside 3 zebras with one of the zebra's wearing an evening gown...
    next how about a picture of you with a famous movie star who happens to be looking to expand her multi national family...
    cheers my friend!
