Just hanging around

Just hanging around

Sunday, January 30, 2011

On the Nile

It was so surreal, it was our first night in the capital city of Juba, it was so different from Khartoum, first thing we all noticed was the heat, the temperature was around 35 that day, and you could really feel the humidity. There are a few Canadian police officers that have been stationed in Juba for about 3 months. Upon our arrival they took us to this place, a real gem on the Nile, I stood there for about 5 minutes saying man I can't believe it, I'm having dinner on the Nile, it was so majestic, I looked to the east and there were several kids swimming, and I said..."aren't there crocs in that there river"....and they said "yup", and I said "do they know that " and they said "o yea" things that make you go huh. I have to apologize, the Internet this far south is brutal, I can talk on msn, but skype is out of the question for now. Tomorrow, Monday the 31 of January I will be part of a long range patrol that will take four of us to the town of Morobo, this town is situated on the border of Uganda, from there we will pick up a second vehicle, and travel 25 km into Uganda. Once we are there we will have lunch with the police chief, I 'm kinda of hoping that I can get my passport stamped. There is a community support base in the town of Kaja Keji, this base was constructed for the sole purpose of supporting the referendum for Independence.  I will have the opportunity to stage long range patrols from the remote base, the duration would be for 30 days, how interesting would that be eh Roy. Anyways stayed tuned, the next few months will prove to be very interesting for all of us.


  1. Say with South Sudan on the verge of becoming it's own country... was just wondering is there a suggestion box somewhere for potential new names for the country? I have a few ideas... was sorta leaning towards "New Daveland, or perhaps "Davada" maybe even "Davemark" or "Daveagascar" you know though I think I like "Sudave"" so if you would be so kind as to deposit those into the box that would be great.....

  2. Say with the south on the verge of declaring independance, is there a suggesting box for names... if so could you please add "SuDave, or perhaps New Daveland" into the mix
    thanks buddy
